Primeval: New World

13 x 60 Drama Series, 2012
Primeval: New World is a science fiction series following the story of a Canadian team of scientists and zoologists led by inventor Evan Cross that discovers dangerous predators emerging onto the streets of Vancouver through anomalies in time.

Constellation Awards 2013 Best Male Performance in a 2012 Science Fiction Television Episode (Naill Matter)
Constellation Awards 2013 Outstanding Canadian Contribution to Science Fiction Film or Television in 2012
13 x 60 Drama Series, 2012
Primeval: New World is a science fiction series following the story of a Canadian team of scientists and zoologists led by inventor Evan Cross that discovers dangerous predators emerging onto the streets of Vancouver through anomalies in time.

Constellation Awards 2013 Best Male Performance in a 2012 Science Fiction Television Episode (Naill Matter)
Constellation Awards 2013 Outstanding Canadian Contribution to Science Fiction Film or Television in 2012