The Dolphin Dealer

1 x 60 Documentary, 2008
Five years in the making and featuring unprecedented footage of the shadowy world of the wild dolphin trade, The Dolphin Dealer is a haunting new documentary about the man who perpetrated the largest dolphin capture and export in history. This rare story revolves around Canadian Christopher Porter, a former dolphin trainer at the Vancouver aquarium, and his lead adversary, animal rights activist and former Flipper trainer, Ric O’Barry. Set in the Solomon Islands, the most beautiful yet most brutal nation in the South Pacific, The Dolphin Dealer examines the issues and ethics of the billion dollar swim-with-dolphins industry.

International Film Festival 2015 "Water, Sea, and the Oceans" Best Environmental Film
International Wildlife Film Festival 2009 Human Wildlife Interactions Merit Award for Storytelling
International Wildlife Film Festival 2009 Human Wildlife Interactions Merit Award for Presentation of Information
1 x 60 Documentary, 2008
Five years in the making and featuring unprecedented footage of the shadowy world of the wild dolphin trade, The Dolphin Dealer is a haunting new documentary about the man who perpetrated the largest dolphin capture and export in history. This rare story revolves around Canadian Christopher Porter, a former dolphin trainer at the Vancouver aquarium, and his lead adversary, animal rights activist and former Flipper trainer, Ric O’Barry. Set in the Solomon Islands, the most beautiful yet most brutal nation in the South Pacific, The Dolphin Dealer examines the issues and ethics of the billion dollar swim-with-dolphins industry.

International Film Festival 2015 "Water, Sea, and the Oceans" Best Environmental Film
International Wildlife Film Festival 2009 Human Wildlife Interactions Merit Award for Storytelling
International Wildlife Film Festival 2009 Human Wildlife Interactions Merit Award for Presentation of Information